Radio imagING VoiceoveR

Cut through the noise and make your station, content, voices, and promos stand out with a powerful and engaging radio imaging voiceover. Andrea Collins is a VO actor with more than 15 years of experience in radio. She knows how to make radio listeners perk up and pay attention.

My radio imaging voicover demos

A few clips from my 15 years in radio and voiceover.

Drive more listeners to your station and programs with a powerful radio imaging voiceover

My voiceover style
Radio imaging voiceovers are no time to play coy. They need power, enthusiasm, and a delivery that gets listeners seriously amped up about your program or station. My radio imaging VOs are designed to do just that.
I make the most out of your timeslot by injecting a high level of energy and passion into your script. This includes post-production and SFX that really take your radio imaging spot to a whole new level.

Once we've decided to make radio imaging voiceover magic together, and have ironed out timelines, budgets, and all that fun stuff, my process includes:
Understanding your radio imaging voiceover script and visions for the final recordings
Soaking in your creative, music, scratch track, and anything else you provide (don't worry if you don't have any of these elements!)
Recording either independently, or via a live directed session (either way, you get the absolute best sound out of your copy)
Providing revisions based on your feedback, or live direction to make sure we get the recording juuuuust right
Sending your the audio in the format of your choosing
My process


What makes a good radio imaging voiceover?
Strong radio imaging voiceovers balance energy with clarity, coherence with power, and messaging with enthusiasm. They deliver the most pertinent details about your station and program quickly, while also driving up the energy level to grab the attention of radio listeners.

"Andrea has a phenomenal intuition when it comes to taking direction. We flew through our session and are beyond satisfied with the results, and the charm she brings to our campaign!"
my friends at franklin pictures